The planned duration of the proposed project may not exceed 10 months from the official commencement date of the JBF grant support Agreement. Projects must show evidence of having started implementation no later than one month after the signature date of the grant Agreement between the JBF and the beneficiary. Failure to abide by the deadlines could render the project liable to cancellation and the grant withdrawn.
The proposed project should clearly demonstrate the creation of ‘additional’ production or services. The result of the project should be larger in scale, at a higher quality, takes place quicker, takes place at a different location, or takes place at all as a result of intervention. It should not be already under way or likely to be implemented in the short term without the grant.
Environmental and Social Management
The project must be consistent with the World Bank’s safeguard rules on the environment (see Environment Risk Management Checklist)
Sectors or themes
Activities eligible for funding under the grant include all elements that will assist with the building of competitiveness of the SME supply chain and would lead to export growth, assist with the emergence or development of new products and/or services, productivity upgrading and increases in jobs and sales. These actions may include (but are not limited to) subject areas such as:
Eligible & Ineligible Costs
Eligible direct costs
To be eligible for payment under the Grant Agreement, costs must:
Design and Quality
Marketing, distribution and finance
Internal Management (where this has an explicit value chain focus and justification)
The following types of actions are ineligible:
Address: Building 1, 17 Ruthven Road
Phone: 876-649-0699
Email: info@jamaicabusinessfund.com